Our team

We specialize in statistical surveys, opinion polls, market research and in general the collection of information through questionnaires. We are techno-statisticians, that is, statisticians and programmers; we apply computer skills to the methodology of advanced statistical surveys. 

The degree in statistics is the basis from which we started. We then continued our specialization in survey methodology through conferences and refresher courses in the main European universities. At the same time we refined our computer skills by attending international meetings of open-source software developers.

Angelo Rodolfo Tomaselli

Statistician, Scientific Responsible


Tel. (+39) 041 982286
Cel. (+39) 348 2616881
E-mail.  info@opinioni.net

Graduated in Statistics at the University of Padua in 1989 with a thesis on CATI systems; began his experience in the field of CATI investigations in 1990.



The main experience has been accumulated in the organization of statistical surveys and in the preparation of questionnaires.

Areas of competence (most significant):

Design and implementation of sample surveys aimed at directly collecting information from companies and families.

Computerization of questionnaires for statistical surveys and Data Inputs

CATI-CAWI-CAMI-OCR systems (in general on computer systems for the collection of data for statistical surveys) and responsible for the development of Free Software CATI.

From 2015 - 19

Adjunct Professor for the teaching of Theory and Technique of Statistical Survey and Sampling at the Faculty of Statistics of Padua.

From the 2007-08 to the 2014-2015

Adjunct Professor for the teaching of Design of sample surveys (advanced) at the Faculty of Statistics in Padua.

He participated in the following short courses on statistical surveys:

  • Text Message Surveys, Fred Conrad, Michael Schober & Andrew Hupp, Zagreb 2019
  • The Meta-Analytical Research Process, Jessica Daikeler, Bernd Weiß, GOR, Cologne, 2019
  • Adaptive Survey Design, Andy Peytchev, Bigsurv18, Barcelona 2018
  • Using Beacons and GPS-Tracking for Research Purposes, Silvana Jud, GOR, Cologne, 2018
  • Survey Creation With Lime Survey - A Hands-On Course, Markus Flür, Carsten Schmitz, GOR, Cologne, 2018
  • The Essentials of Survey Methodology, Caroline Roberts, ESRA 2017, Lisboa
  • Smartphones: survey and sensors, Vera Toepoel and Peter Lugtig, ESRA 2017, Lisboa
  • Surveys Vs. Web Monitoring: Web crawled Data: Opportunities for getting Market Information and User Behavior. A replacement for classical market research methods or an addition? Herbert Schuster, GOR, Berlin, 2017
  • Web Surveys for Smartphones: Design and Implementation Mick P. Couper GOR, Dresden, 2016
  • Essentials of Questionnaire Design and Testing Annelies Blom University of Mannheim, ESRA 2015, Reykjavik
  • Designing Effective Web Surveys by Mick P. Couper Survey Research Center, University of Michigan and Joint Program in Survey Methodology, ESRA 2015, Reykjavik
  • What's new in social media research? A guide through recent publications (2012-2013) for social scientists (teacher Katrin Weller, GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences) GOR, Cologne, 2014
  • Social Media Analytics: Concepts, Models, Methods, and Tools (lecturer Ravi Vatrapu, Copenhagen Business School) GOR, Cologne, 2014
  • Designing Web Questionnaires (professor Mick p.Couper University of Michigan) GOR, Mannheim, 2013
  • Survey Quality and Prediction Survey SQP (Professor Willem Saris), Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, ​​2012;
  • Conducting Mobile surveys: A hands-on introduction to an innovative research mode; MRC 2010;
  • Cognitive interviewing; Debbie Collins NatCen and Rory Fitzgerald; ESRA 2009
  • Mastering online surveys; Hemsing and Klapproth, GOR09
  • Conducting mobile surveys: A hands-on introduction to an innovative research mode; Pferdekämper and de Groote GOR09
  • Data quality assessment Method and tools. Manfred Ehling and Andrea Kron, Federal Statistical Office, Germany Q2008
  • Data Collection via the Web using Free Software, Dr. Anja Göritz GOR 08
  • Introduction to Survey Quality (professors Paul P. Biemer Distinguished Fellow, RTI International Associate Director for Survey Research, the Odum Institute at UNC-CH, Lars Lyberg Chief Scientist, Statistics Sweden) Miami 2006
  • Copying with measurement error in survey research Lecturer: Willem Saris, University Ramon Llull-Barcelona, ​​Prague 2007
  • Practical Tools for Nonresponse Bias Studies (Professor Bob Groves, University of Michigan) Cardiff 2006.

He participated in the following international conferences on surveys:

  • ESRA conference 2019, Zagreb;
  • General Online Research 2019, GOR 19, Cologne;
  • BigSurvey18 Big Data Meets Survey Science, 2018, Barcelona
  • General Online Research 2018, GOR 18, Cologne;
  • ESRA conference 2017, Lisboa;
  • General Online Research 2017, GOR 17, Berlin;
  • General Online Research 2016 GOR 16, Dresden;
  • ESRA conference Reykjavik 2015
  • General Online Research 2014, GOR 14, Cologne;
  • General Online Research 2013, GOR 13, Mannheim;
  • General Online Research 2012, GOR 12, Mannheim;
  • General Online Research 2010, GOR 10, Pforzheim;
  • Mobile Research Conference 10 London 2010;
  • ESRA conference Warsaw 2009;
  • General Online Research 2009, GOR 09, Wien;
  • Mobile Research Conference 09 London 2009;
  • European Conference on Quality in Survey Statistics Rome 2008;
  • General Online Research 2008, GOR 08, Hamburg;
  • ESRA conference Prague 2007;
  • European Conference on Quality in Survey Statistics Cardiff 2006;
  • Second International Conference on Telephone Survey Methodology Miami 2006;
  • First ESRA -European Survey Research Association- conference Barcelona 2005;
  • Conducting International Social Surveys - World Association Public Opinion Research Ljubljana 2005.

He presented the following papers:

  • How the survey is presented in the comparative study. ISM14 Bozen.
  • Assessing the Representativeness of Nonprobability Online Panels. The Italian Case.ESRA 2

He participated in the following international IT meetings:

  • Fosdem Brussels 2012;
  • Fosdem Brussels 2009;
  • Fosdem Brussels 2008;
  • Fosdem Bruxelles 2003 and 2004;
  • DefCon Las Vegas 2004

Claudio Zilio

Senior Statistician, CAWI Area Manager

Phone: +39 041-98.24.29

Other information:

2004 - today

In 2004 it is hired by Demetra Opinions.net srl.


Graduated in Statistical Sciences and Information Technologies at the University of Padua. The experience in statistical surveys begins in 2004.

Areas of competence (most significant):

Management, organization and supervision of CATI and CAWI surveys;
Development of CATI and CAWI software;
Statistical processing;
Good knowledge of ATECO classifications of professions and sectors of activity;
Business data processing, outlier analysis;
Economic-business expert.

Technical and Informatics Skills (main):

Use of CATI systems: YaaCs, Blaise
Use of CAWI systems: LimeSurvey, Mod_Survey
Ruby and RubyOnRails
Tcl / Tk
CMS: Joomla

He participated in the following short courses on statistical surveys:

  • Big Data Processing for Social Science: An Introduction to Apache Spark, Ian
    Thomas, Bigsurv18 Barcelona 2018
  • Continuous time modeling of panel data; Han Oud and Marc Delsing; ESRA 2009;
  • What They See is What You Get: Nuts and Bolts of Web Surveys, Dr. Reg Baker GOR 08

He participated in the following international conferences on surveys:

  • BigSurvey18 Big Data Meets Survey Science, 2018, Barcelona
  • ESRA conference Warsaw 2009;
  • General Online Research 2008, GOR 08, Hamburg;
  • First ESRA -European Survey Research Association- conference in Barcelona 2005

He participated in the following short computer courses:

  • RubyOnRails February 2007.

He participated in the following international meetings on free software:

  • Fosdem Brussels from 2006 to 2007;


Beatrice Bartoli

Senior Statistician, Data Scientist

Phone:+ 39 041-98.05.32

Other information:


Master's degree in Statistical Sciences at the Faculty of Statistical Sciences of Bologna.

In the first months of 2011 it is assumed by Demetra Opinions.net Srl.


He starts working after his three-year degree at the Set Ricerche company in Senigallia as a CATI manager.

Areas of competence (most significant):
Management of CATI and CAWI surveys
Statistical processing.
He participated in the following short courses on statistical surveys: 
  • Questionnaire Design, Marek Fuchs, GESIS Summer School in Summer Methodology, Virtual, 2020
  • Integrating Machine Learning in Surveys, Daniel Oberski, ESRA, Zagreb 2019
  • Introduction to Computational Text Analysis, Rochelle Terman, Bigsurv18 Barcelona 2018
  • Text mining applied to open-ended questions ESRA, Lisbon 2017
  • Big Data Applications for the Social Sciences ESRA, Lisbon 2017
  • Online customer journey analysis: a data science toolbox GOR, Berlin 2017
  • Web Surveys for Smartphones: Design and Implementation GOR, Dresden 2016
  • The Essentials of Questionnaire Design and Testing (teacher Annelies Blom) ESRA, Reykjavík, 2015
  • Latent Class Analysis for survey research (teacher Daniel Oberski) ESRA, Reykjavík, 2015
  • What's new in social media research? A guide through recent publications (2012-2013) for social scientists (teacher Katrin Weller, GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences) GOR, Cologne, 2014
  • How to: Mixed-Mode-Studies (Docenti Holger Geissler, YouGov; Edith de Leeuw, Utrecht University) GOR, Cologne, 2014
  • Data Collection: Interviewer Training and Fieldwork Monitoring (teacher Remco Feskens), GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology, Cologne 2013;
  • Designing Web Questionnaires (professor Mick p.Couper University of Michigan) GOR, Mannheim, 2013
  • Survey Quality and Prediction Survey SQP, (professor Willem Saris) Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, ​​2012.
He participated in the following international conferences on surveys:
ESRA conference 2019, Zagreb
BigSurvey18 Big Data Meets Survey Science, 2018, Barcelona
ESRA conference 2017, Lisboa
General Online Research 2017, GOR 17, Berlin
General Online Research 2016, GOR 16, Dresden
ESRA conference Reykjavik 2015
General Online Research 2014, GOR 14, Cologne.
General Online Research 2013, GOR 13, Mannheim.
He presented the following posters:
Panel Online: How important is the recruitment mode? GOR, Dresden 2016
How much is shorter CAWI questionnaire VS CATI questionnaire? GOR 14, Cologne
How the screen-out influence the dropout of a commercial panel, GOR 13, Mannheim.
He presented the following papers:
How the survey is presented in the comparative study. ISM14 Bozen


Marco Fornea

Senior Statistician, CATI Area Manager

Phone: +39 041-98.05.32

Other information:

November 2016

Assunto at Demetra opinione.net Srl

September 2016

Graduated in Statistics with specialization in "Statistics, Economics and Finance" at the University of Padua.

Areas of competence (most significant):

Management of CATI and CAWI surveys on population and businesses
Statistical processing.

IT skills:

R, SAS, SPSS, MySQL, Stata, Limesurvey, Cloudresearch, Calc, jquery (knowledge level: good)
Latex (knowledge level: good), C language (knowledge level: fair).

He participated in the following short courses on statistical surveys:
Smartphones: From Survey Design to Sensor Data, Vera Toepoel, Anne Elevelt, GOR, Cologne, 2019
An Introduction to Paradata Web Survey, Mick P. Couper, GOR, Cologne, 2018
Embedded Side Client Paradata, Stephan Schlosser, Jan Karem Höhne, GOR, Cologne, 2018

Participation in the following international conferences on surveys:

General Online Research 2019, GOR 19, Cologne;
General Online Research 2018, GOR 18, Cologne

He presented the following posters:

Representativeness of Survey Samples: Mixing Modes and Sampling Frames

Sergiu Groza

IT, IT and Software Development Manager

Phone: +39 041-97.07.99

Other information:

February 2012 - to date

Software Developer at Demetra Opinions.net Ltd.

Development of CATI software and web applications for statistical processing

September 2011 - March 2015

Graduated in Information Sciences at the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice - Faculty of Information Sciences and Technologies

Computer Science, Mathematics, Algorithms

Areas of competence (most significant):

Expert in developing web applications using the Ruby On Rails framework
Expert in the development of stand-alone applications in Java
Expert in the design and management of complex databases
Management software systems developer (SuperCloud)
CATI / CAWI software systems developer (CloudResearch)
Software systems developer for statistical processing (LimeTable)
Library developer for Ruby
Developer of predictive dialing and IVR software systems

IT knowledge detail:

Programming languages: Ruby, Java, C / C ++, PHP, Javascript, SQL, CSS
Framework for web application development: Ruby On Railsgraphics 3D: OpenGL, X3D
Software for CATI / CAWI investigations: Limesurvey
Telephony (POTS, VoIP): asterisk PBX software (www.asterisk.org), "voice over ip" protocols knowledge IAX2, SIP.
Other specific packages: emulator of win32 applications in the WINE linux environment(Www.winehq.org)
Mark-up languages: HTML
Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL
Web components: Polymer
Version control systems: Git, SVN

Conferences in which he participated:

FOSDEM 2019 - Brussels (2-3 February 2019)
Significant talk:
(MySQL, MariaDB and Friends) Patterns and anti-patterns in OSS participation;
(.NET and TypeScript) TypeScript-It's time to migrate !;
(Infra Management) Configurations: Do you prove yours ?;
(PHP & Friends) Profiling PHP Applications;
(Javascript) Developing data structures for JavaScirpt;
(PostgreSQL) What's new in PostgreSQL 11;
(PostgreSQL) Breaking PostgreSQL at Scale;
(PostgreSQL) Data Modeling, Normalization and Denormalization;
(HPC, Big Data and Data Science) Streaming Pipelines for Neural Machine Translation

FOSDEM 2018 - Brussels (3-4 February 2018)

Significant talk:
PostgreSQL Replication in 2018,
PostgreSQL - A Crash Course,
Blue elephant on-demand: Postgres + Kubernetes,
MySQL: Scaling & High Availability Production,
Elasticsearch (R) Evolution,
Inside Monero,
Security Theater.
FOSDEM 2017 - Brussels (4-5 February 2017)
Significant talk:
Evolution of Fault Tolerance in PostgreSQL,
Infrastructure Monitoring with Postgres,
An overview of PostgreSQL's backup,
Archiving and replication,
gRPC 101 - building fast and efficient microservices,
Scalable Asterisk Servers in a Large SIP Infrastructure,
Asynchronous event / state notifications in the Janus WebRTC server,
A People's History of the Ruby Garbage Collector,
First steps with Relax-and-Recover (ReaR).

RubyDay 2016 - Florence (25 November 2016)

Significant talk:
A common taxonomy of bugs and how to squash them,
Make Ruby functional again !,
Refinements - the worst feature you ever loved,
Lessons learned while building Hanami,
General purpose WebRTC Gateway.
FOSDEM 2016 - Brussels (30-31 January 2016)
Significant talk:
How containers work in Linux,
Micro-datacenter with Raspberry Pi and Kubernetes,
Scaling with Kubernetes,
Building a WebRTC application,
Janus: th.

RubyDay 2015 - Turin (13 November 2015)

Significant talk:
Your web application seen from the hell's kitchen,
How to disassemble a monolithic app in (not-so) micro-services,
CI / CD and DevOps with Ruby and Rails


Diego Prosdocimi

Computer scientist, software developer for statistical surveys

Phone: +39 041-97.07.99

Other information:

September 2023 – to date

Software Developer at Demetra opinions.net srl

Areas of competence (most significant):

Web Application Developer

IT knowledge detail:

Programming languages: Ruby, Javascript, Typescript, Java, Dart, C/C++

Frameworks for web application development: Ruby on rails, Angular, Flutter

Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL

Manuela Ravagnan

Senior Statistician, CAWI Area

other information:

April 2018

It is assumed by Demetra Opinions.net Srl.

November 2017

Master's degree in Statistical Sciences at the Faculty of Statistical Sciences of the University of Padua.

February 2015

Bachelor's degree in Statistics, Economics and Finance at the University of Padua.

Areas of competence (most significant):

Implementation and management of CAWI surveys and statistical elaborations.
   Computer knowledges:
  • - Programming languages: C, Assembly, Delphi, LaTeX, MATLAB, Oracle, R, SAS, Php.
  • - Statistical software: Gretel, Stata.
  • - Database management: MySQL, Access.
  • - Descriptive, presentation and behavioral languages: Javascript, Ajax.
  • - Use of CAWI systems for carrying out online surveys: LimeSurvey.
  • - Document management: Adobe Acrobat Reader Professional, Adobe InDesign.

He participated in the following international conferences on surveys:

Smartphones: From Survey Design to Sensor Data, Vera Toepoel, Anne Elevelt, GOR, Cologne, 2018

He has participated in the following courses, seminars and summer schools: 
  • Survey Research: Design, Implementation and Data Processing, 2018, Utrecht.
  • Statistics and Big Data at Goog le ”, held by Tim Hesterberg (Padua 2017).
  • “Conditional an Random-Effects Logistic Regression”, held by Prof. Alan Agresti (Padua 17/5/2016).
  • Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) and Marginal Models, held by Prof. Alan Agresti (Padua
    18 / 5 / 2016).
  • Modeling Ordinal Responses, held by Prof. Alan Agresti (Padova 19 / 5 / 2016).
 Conferences in which he participated:
FOSDEM 2019 - Brussels (2-3 February 2019)
Significant talks: (HPC, Big Data and Data Science) CK: an open-source framework to automate, reproduce, crowdsource and reuse experiments at HPC conferences; (HPC, Big Data and Data Science) Couple scientific simulation codes with preCICE;
(HPC, Big Data and Data Science) Streaming Pipelines for Neural Machine Translation; (.NET and TypeScript) TypeScript-It's time to migrate !; (Decentralized Internet and Privacy) Analysis of the behavior of mobile applications and its consequences for our privacy;
(PHP & Friends) The First Contact; (PostgreSQL) Data Modeling, Normalization and Denormalization;

Simone Cavallaro

Junior Statistician, CATI Area

Phone: +39 041-98.05.32


Other information:

– February 2024 – Today: Assunto at Demetra opinione.net Srl

– December 2023: Graduated in Statistics with a focus on “Statistics for Technologies and Sciences – BIG DATA Path” at the University of Padua.


Areas of competence (most significant):

– Data Analysis

– Identifying outliers

– Data cleansing

– Mixed mode surveys on population and companies


IT skills:

- Data manipulation: PostgreSQL

- Data analysis: R, Python, SPSS, Excel

- Data collection: Limesurvey, CloudResearch, Cint, PureSpectrum

Oleksandr Kirpakhov

Computer scientist, software developer for statistical surveys

Phone: +39 041-97.07.99

Other information:

March 2021 - to date

Software Developer at Demetra Opinions.net Ltd.

Areas of competence (most significant):

Management tool developer for Limesurvey

IT knowledge detail:

Programming languages: Ruby, Javascript, Typescript, PHP, Java, Dart
Framework for web application development: Ruby on rails, Yii, Flutter
Database: PostgreSQL

Richard Zampieri

Junior Statistician, CAWI Area

Other information:


Bachelor's degree in Statistics for Economics and Business at the University of Padua.


In April 2022 he was hired by Demetra opinions.net Ltd.

Areas of competence (most significant):
Management of CAWI investigations
