CATI and CAWI methodology
Interview with Demetra, guest on October 29 at the Assirm Marketing Research Forum In anticipation of his participation in the Assirm Marketing Research Forum, which will be held on ...
The effect on the response rate of web surveys How does the insertion of the first question of the questionnaire in the survey invitation email in web surveys (CAWI) affect ...
The effectiveness of Mixing Modes and Sampling Frames Backgrounds and research questions Nowadays mixed-mode approaches are used to tackle the problem of ...
Relevance and Object of Research Online surveys are self-administered by respondents seeking to receive incentives for completing questionnaires. Some of the interviewees use an effort ...
The article of which we offer a summary investigates the phenomenon of motivated misreporting in a web panel. Motivated misreporting is the mechanism by which the ...
How does the behavior of a CATI operator at the start of a call affect the response rate of respondents? The article we take today in ...
Response rate in recent years Previous years have been a 'golden age' for opinion polls. People were generally more likely to ...
The Survey The following study analyzes the truthfulness and consistency of the data entered in the questionnaires. A total of 496 questions are analyzed in the study. Information and ...
It is well documented that respondents to a survey prefer the paper answer to the web one, while the latter is the preferred method by ...
For many decades face-to-face interviewing (FTF) was the norm. In the 70s, the FTF interview gave way to the telephone interview, which at the time ...
Using a mixed-mode approach is theoretically quite interesting. Not only does it allow you to tackle the problem of non-coverage, but it is also a way ...
Current practices for dealing with bias in non-probabilistic online surveys RECRUITMENT The most common form of recruitment is to invite people to join panels.
INTRODUCTION The use of non-probabilistic surveys has grown in recent years due to lower costs and higher response rates. In this type ...
For decades, sample surveys have provided valuable information in various fields. To survive, they must retain their advantages. A first advantage is that ...
Some survey researchers argue that telephone polls are "dead" and should be replaced with non-probabilistic samples from online panels. In the lasts …
To investigate the advantage of mixed-mode (MM) surveys, it is necessary to evaluate the effects of selection between modalities. The selection effects ...
In this special issue of 2017 of POQ (Public Opinion Quarterrly) the discussion on the quality of the investigations continues. In the introduction to this volume the ...
We consider the latest wave (2014) of the CATI / CAMI Health Barometer survey, conducted among the French population between 15 and 75 years. The survey deals with issues ...
Human resources during job interview businessman in office. It is noted that the ideal design (Fully interpenetrated) foresees the assignment of the sampled individuals in a totally random way ...
Consider the CAHPS (Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) survey, which involves the distribution of the questionnaire to former patients of a representative sample of ...
There are different methods for assessing the reliability of questionnaire questions. These methods can be divided into inexpensive ex-ante methods that require a ...