Samples in Italy and Worldwide

Sampling in Italy (CATI, CAMI, CAWI)

Italian champion

Any representative sample for market research, opinion poll or statistical survey is within our possibilities. We start from the databases available to us or through partners, from the information available on the target and on the coverage of the communication channels (landline, mobile or internet). Based on this information we generate representative sample lists of the universe.
Some examples. If our target can be reached via CATI, i.e. fixed telephone coverage is considered sufficient, the procedure is as follows:

  1. We start with the database of Italian telephone numbers.
  2. Then we create the sample structure by geographical area and by the socio-demographic variables relevant to the defined target;
  3. Then we generate the sample lists.

These sample lists will be “fed” to the CATI system and to the interviewers until the desired sample size (for example XNUMX respondents) is reached. The process of building an Italy sample for CAMI surveys is similar even if in this case we often use the technique called RDD (Random Digit Dialing). In the case of CAWI surveys, we use our online panel. By way of example, we provide significant samples on these types of surveys: 

  • municipalities of a few thousand inhabitants or in large cities;
  • population, purchasing managers or businesses;
  • immigrants or professionals or specialist doctors;
  • young people from 18 to 34 years or mothers with children up to 3 years;
  • Etc

Sampling Abroad (CATI, CAMI, CAWI)

In addition to providing representative samples in Italy, we are able to supply samples in almost every country in the world. The difficulties obviously increase because each country has differences that make it possible or not to provide the interview through a channel (landline, mobile or web). The main differences are:

  • coverage, i.e. there are countries with 90% of households "covered" by fixed telephony and countries with 90% coverage via mobile telephony; 
  • in technology, that is, for example, in some countries telephone networks do not support some digital technologies, generating increases in cost and feasibility.