The objective of this survey is to find out which media are most used to keep informed and how much confidence there is in these media as sources of information.
The survey was conducted with the CATI method on a sample of 452 people composed of adults with a landline phone extracted from the telephone book of the Italian population.
The margin of error at 95% is 4,6%.
Among the interviewees, the television it is still the means of communication most used to keep informed on a daily basis (87,4%) with an average of 2,5 hours per day, but Internet (61,6%) ei social media (35,3%) are advancing fast, especially among the young and more educated. Also the radio, despite being one of the most traditional means, still holds a good share of users (44,1%).
La television it's a very average age-related whose use tends to be less in younger and older than those in later life. Among the most young the8% declares not to watch television and this index decreases with increasing age.
Trust in the media
Speaking of trust, the radio and newspapers media are considered more reliable, even if they are not among the most used to keep informed, while i social media are the least reliable means. Moreover, it seems that the elderly and people with low qualification have little trust in general in the media. If instead we consider reliability in terms of correctness of the information transmitted i daily newspapers are considered the means of communication where the information given is the most correct. The trust in Internet seems to be strongly linked toage, while trust in the television seems to be connected to qualification.
The Internet is considered the means of communication in which there is greater freedom and independence of information, but this does not ensure reliability; on the contrary, it is among the means deemed less reliable.
Beyond the half of the population uses the Internet every day and almost half do it from the smartphone.
Only the 30% declares that it never accesses via the smartphone or does not own it, while only the 22% never accesses the internet or has no connection. Even in this case age is an important discriminant for Internet access, obviously also via smartphone, in fact, almost the 100% of young people from 18 to 29 years declare to access the internet every day.
Social media and messaging programs
Talking about social media, Facebook the most used social network is confirmed, with the 57% of the sample who claims to be registered, while in second place, there is a lot of posting Instagram. Of the members of Facebook almost the 62% accesses it every day, but only the 24% says to write every day, while the 30% of the subscribers never writes anything on Facebook.
Instagram is the social favorite by younger, while LinkedIn è used exclusively by graduates and graduates.
As for the use of messaging programs such as whatsapp or similar, up to the 54 years the diffusion is independent of age and is close to 95%, while from 55 years upwards the use decreases with increasing age.
From the 18 to the 44 years, the 100% of respondents have a mobile phone. With increasing age the quota decreases, but remains above the 90%.
- Television is confirmed as the most widely used means of communication, but not the most reliable one.
- Internet and social media are spreading fast as a means of information, especially among young people who consider them freer and more independent, but not reliable for this.
- By now more than 60% of the population accesses the Internet every day and well the 50% from smartphones - among young people this percentage goes up, reaching over 90%.
- Among the under 54 ben the 95% uses Whatsapp or similar messaging programs.
- The 95% of the population is traceable through the mobile phone, while among the under 44 everyone has a mobile phone.
Read the survey report: Report
Survey conducted by Demetra Srl