Demetra launches the service dedicated to online data collection

For some years now, the main phenomenon in the world of statistical surveys is the progressive increase of online surveys in a changed scenario of field techniques. The traditional dominance of the CATI investigations is now undermined by the unstoppable progress of the CAWI investigations.

Against this background we are witnessing a regression to niche dimensions of the investigations face-to-face, relegated to privileged players of the system in the focus groups in qualitative or in-depth thematic areas.

According to statistics published by ASSIRM in the 2016 and as indicated by EFAMRO's Mood Indicator, online searches (CAWI) have seen strong growth in the last year (+ 14,4%), while telephone surveys have slightly decreased for the same time period (-1,1%). Face-to-face surveys have even reduced their volume by a quarter (-23,3%) by marking the forced stages of a decline in the context of an inevitable and apparently unstoppable digital revolution. This trend of the statistical survey market seems to have general characteristics, characterized by an international and not only national level.

Demetra has been able to verify, in the specific of its own research experience, the concreteness of this phenomenon.
The optimism that seems to pervade the research world according to the findings of EFAMRO for 2018, therefore has different colorings depending on the mode, and seems to indicate, alongside a decline in face-to-face interviews and a constant increase in CAWI investigations , an increasing credit granted to mixed-mode surveys, in which the qualities of CAWI and those of CATI are combined to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of the actions.

The reasons for this general tendency are to be found in two distinct phenomena:

  • In population surveys, the growing difficulty in reaching certain respondents' targets (for example young people)
  • In the surveys on companies the decreasing willingness to participate in the investigations in the absence of some form of incentive;

The online surveys are able to reach these targets and partially overcome the unavailability of telephone inquiries by companies for reasons of time or otherwise. Online surveys can be conducted through online panels or by sending emails with a link to the questionnaire. In the first case, the respondent is part of a profiled data base and responds on the basis of an economic incentive, in the second case a one-off time is reached and may or may not respond on the basis of an incentive.

Another strong aspect of online panels is the possibility of reaching any country in the world at costs that remain within defined ranges without undergoing changes due to telephone costs.
Summing up: greater economy, greater speed of execution, greater completeness with respect to respondents' targets.

Demetra is organized to meet all the needs of online surveys by providing the following services to marketing and research companies:

  • Computerization of the questionnaire with responsive techniques and systems for the identification of cheaters;
  • Incentive management and e-mail sending with systems to bypass spam filters;
  • Translation of questionnaires in any language;
  • Panel online worldwide with coverage in over 80 countries;
  • Italy online panel recruited offline. Service:

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