
What is CloudResearch?


CloudResearch is the telephone and online survey software used by
We started supporting its development in XNUMX, with the aim of integrating the Limesurvey online platform for the CATI part.

CloudResearch is also a telemarketing software that really helps to reduce the costs of call centers, it is available on the web at 

  • with a subscription, a userid and a password it is possible to carry out surveys also from mobile phones.
  • rich data analysis panel.

The basic features of CloudResearch:

  • Web platform for both part CATI / CAMI (interviewer / administrator) and for the CAWI parts (Respondent / administrator)
  • Integrated management of sampling, independent from the data collection methods (via telephone or web);
  • Integrated management of the collection of CATI and CAWI questionnaires;
  • Automatic ranking of respondents via web or telephone to prevent redundant subsequent actions (e.g. if a respondent replies via CAWI, he will not be called back via CATI or if someone replies via CATI, he will not be sent a reminder to reply via CAWI);
  • Integration of the e-mail / fax / sms dispatch at any time of the data collection process (both, at the time of CATI contact and in the various reminder phases of the CAWI survey);
  • Export of data with numerous formats (including spss, sas) in real-time and in on-line mode;
  • Online monitoring / control of the process both, of the CATI / CAMI part and the CAWI part
  • On-line production of frequency and crossing tables of both simple and multiple variables, also when the survey is in progress.

What are the benefits?

The Cloud solution allows to reduce the hardware impact (and limitations) to a minimum, as the necessary and sufficient elements are a computer with basic characteristics, an ADSL connection (entry level) and operator headphones.

Telephone contacts are made with VoIP technology. The system uses the predictive dialing by making calls directly and managing their statuses. The server on which the software is implemented is an Asterisk which is one of the most widespread PBX now in use with regard to the free software.

The automatic sample generation procedures allow the management of data bases with millions of records, such as for example the Italian telephone database which has about 14 million records.

CloudResearch also allows you to perform online data processing, both by producing lists of frequencies and by making crossovers between variables. This feature is also important for survey monitoring. It allows the client a timely and daily recognition of the progress of the research, keeping the main variables of the survey under control.

Want to try CloudResearch for your research or telemarketing projects?
You can try it for free for 3 months to see if it might interest you.
