Quantitative surveys and market research have been our specialty since 1992
We are a survey and market research company that has been offering telephone surveys and services
for data
collection to research centers and universities, for which we have developed specific and dedicated
operational methodologies. We mainly carry out CATI, CAMI, CAWI and Mixed-Mode fieldwork
activities for quantitative research on Online Panels and Social Media.
In short, we are experts in data collection for market research.
Quantitative surveys and market research have been our specialty since 1992
We are a survey and market research company that has been offering telephone surveys and data collection services to study centers and universities for over twenty years, for which we have developed specific and dedicated operating methodologies. We mainly carry out fieldwork activities for quantitative investigations with the CATI, CAMI, CAWI, Mixed-Mode, on Online Panels and Social Media. In short, we are experts in data collection for market research.
Our specialization
200+ projects carried out with more than 175.000 interviews in 2020
- 70+ interviewers
- Integrated Project Management
- Mixed-Mode
- Stratified Sampling
- Predictive Dialing
- Operator Training, Monitoring and Supervision
150+ projects carried out with more than 130.000 interviews in Italy
50+ multicountry projects with more than 45.000 interviews in 2020
- Ad Hoc Questionnaire Scripting
- Hosting
- Integration with Limesurvey
- Massive Email Submission
- Invitation via SMS
- Online Panels
Our Standard Service
We offer you a data collection service (fieldwork CATI, CAMI, CAWI) from the computerization phase of the questionnaire scripting and putting it online, to the delivery of the raw, weighed and processed data file (tables and frequencies). To do this, we interact with you at every stage of the project in order to always stay in line with your research objectives.
Receiving the Questionnaire and Sample
To get started, send us your questionnaire in the
format you prefer and the sample structure
Questionnaire Setup
When we receive the questionnaire, we script it,
then we set it up online and provide you the link
Before launching the field, we do a pilot test of
20-50 interviews and deliver them to you for inspection
After the approval of the questionnaire, we begin data collection with the agreed methodology
Dataset delivery
Finally, we send you the file with the weighted data
and the frequency tables in your preferred format
Need help with data collection for your quantitative research project?
Contact us, we will be happy to help you.
News & Methodology